Stop Child Marriage

- Campaign to Stop Child Marriage
Child marriage is the global problem which affect millions across the world but especially girls in South Asia. The Government of Nepal has signed many international instruments but has found it difficult to eradicate the phenomenon due to weak enforcement and how levels of awareness. For the landless and informal settlement girls and boy they wants to erase the landless title and don't want to be humiliated by friends, relatives and colleague. So especially girls used to get married early because of the poverty and get rid of being told a girls from landless area. So they choose a person who are not from the landless communities. On the young age they want themselves to go away from landless and informal area.
So Child marriage is high in the landless communities so we have been engaging with young girls and boys to discuss against child marriage. There are 13 adolescents girls group in landless and informal settlements and they have been leading the campaign against child marriage. During this process group is being part of counseling session, building positive relationship between youth and families, collaboration with community police and raise awareness against child marriage, awareness about sexual and reproductive rights etc. - Adolescent Girls against harmful traditional practices:
Harmful practices are deeply embedded within social, cultural and religious norms and are often perceived as traditional in communities in which they are practiced. Adolescent girls group were being challenging self and families. The impact of harmful practices cut across all development sectors. NMES organize a training, workshop and creating a platform for Adolescent girls to challenge the harmful traditional practices.